Merger Analysis Peer-To-Peer

P2P: List of Merged Credit Unions

TheĀ spreadsheet linked below allows you to easily understand the recent mergers within the credit union industry. The list includes credit union mergers, purchases and assumptions, and bank acquisitions. Here are some detailed explanations of the columns in the spreadsheet:

Merged Credit Union Name – the name of the credit union that no longer exists

Merged CU State – the state that the credit union that no longer exists was headquartered in

Charter Cancellation Date – the date on which the NCUA canceled the charter of the credit union that no longer exists

Merged Charter Number – the charter number of the credit union that no longer exists

Merged CU Final Assets – the total assets of the credit union that no longer exists as of their final call report filing

Surviving Credit Union – the name of the credit union that continues to operate

Surviving CU State – the state that the credit union that continues to operate is headquartered in

Surviving Charter Number – the charter of the credit union that continues to operate

Surviving CU Assets before Merger – the assets of the credit union that continues to operate in the quarter immediately preceding the merger

Quarter of Merger – the quarter during which the merger took place, meaning that the merged away credit union filed its final call report one quarter prior to this

With the feature to access data for inactive institutions, you have the ability to make merged away credit unions your primary point of analysis or merge them together with the credit union that they merged into to combine their historical data together.

List of Credit Union Mergers – Last 5 Years As of 1Q2023

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