Data FAQ Peer-To-Peer

P2P: How To Analyze Vendor Relationships

Looking to go through a core processor conversation? Want to see who your peers use as their credit card processor? We track several vendor relationships here at Callahan & Associates and load this data into Peer-to-Peer.

Relationships we track in Peer-to- Peer include Auditors, Data Processors, Debit Card Signature Processors, and Mobile Banking Providers, among others.

Within Peer-to-Peer, vendor relationship information can be accessed in three different ways:

  1. When creating a custom peer group of credit unions
  2. When pulling a list in the “My Displays” section
  3. When looking at the operational review of your Primary selected credit union

To create a list of peer groups with certain vendor relationship criteria, follow these steps. (i.e. you want to compare your credit union to a group of credit unions that use a certain core processor)

  1. Click the drop-down box under Comparison Set and select ‘Create New’ to begin creating a new peer group.
  2. Make sure ‘Create a peer group based on criteria’ and ‘Credit Unions’ are selected on the pop-up and click Create.
  3. Enter any financial criteria (ex. asset range), geographical criteria (ex. state), and Charter/FOM criteria that you want to examine. If you do not want to add any of these filters, simply click ‘Vendors’ at the top to skip ahead.
  4. Once you get to the Vendors tab, select the ‘Type of Service’ desired on the left, and then select specific vendors. Note: Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one vendor or click ‘Select All’ to use all vendors shown.
  5. Click ‘Name & Finish’ and choose a name for your new peer group, then choose to add it to your comparison set.

To obtain a list credit unions and their vendor relationships, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure to have the Peer Group of all the institutions you want vendor data for in your ‘Comparison Set’ before creating your custom list.
  2. Go to ‘My Displays’ at the bottom of the screen, and click ‘Create New’.
  3. Choose ‘Alpha Listing’ or ‘Leader Table’ at the bottom under ‘Detailed’.
  4. Enter one of the below formulas into the ‘Formula’ window.
  5. Click ‘Save’ and choose the folder you would like to list to be found in the future.
Vendor Relationship Formula to Enter in Custom Display
Auditor auditor
Credit Card Portfolio Manager CreditCardPortfolioManager3rdParty
Credit Card Processor (in-house) ccProcessor
Data Processor dataprocessor
Debit Card PIN Processor DebitCardPINProcessor
Debit Card Signature Processor DebitCardSignatureProcessor
e-Statements Provider eStatementsProvider
Mobile Banking Provider MobileBankingProvider
Online Banking Provider OnlineBankingProvider
Primary 1st Mortgage Buyer mortgageBuyer
Prepaid Cards PrepaidCards

To view vendor relationships for your selected Primary, follow these steps.

  1. View an overview of the Technology Partners under Performance Reports->Operational Review->Technology Review.
  2. You can also click the ‘Organization Profile’ button in the top left corner of your Peer-to-Peer Home Screen.

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