Data FAQ Peer-To-Peer

P2P: Contact Information And Executive Names

To help you network with other credit union professionals, we track several executive names in Peer-to-Peer for credit unions.

You can view contact information for credit unions in two ways:

  1. By viewing an organizational profile
  2. By creating a custom display report of executive names/contact information

By viewing an organizational profile

To view an overview of the contact information for a credit union, click ‘Performance Reports’ on the left side and then ‘Operational Review’-> ‘Contact & Operational Information’.

You can also click the ‘Organization Profile’ button in the top left corner of your Peer-to-Peer Home Screen.

To obtain a list credit unions and their contact information, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure to have the Peer Group of all the institutions you want contact data for in your ‘Comparison Set’ before creating your custom list.
  2. Go to ‘My Displays’ at the bottom of the screen, and click ‘Create New’.
  3. Choose ‘Alpha Listing’ or ‘Leader Table’ at the bottom under ‘Detailed’.
  4. Enter one of the below formulas into the ‘Formula’ window.
  5. Click ‘Save’ and choose the folder you would like to list to be found in the future.
Contact Information Formula to Enter in Custom Display
(800) Number tollfree
Address address
Phone telephone
chairman chairman
CharterTypeCode charterType
city city
collectionManager collectionManager
countyname county
eCommerceManager eCommerceManager
email email
executiveSecretary executiveSecretary
faxNumber faxNumber
HRManager HRManager
ITManager ITManager
loanManager loanManager
marketingManager marketingManager
NCUA Region NCUARegion
operationsManager operationsManager
stateabb state
telephone telephone
Tom Code FOM
trainingManager trainingManager
zipcode zipcode

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