CUFSLP (Callahan Credit Union Financial Services Limited Partnership) is a partnership comprised of executives from 33 leading credit unions across the United States that looks to develop collaborative solutions to enhance the value and impact of credit unions for the communities they serve. The Partnership represents more than $185 billion in assets and over 11.4 million member-owners.
CUFSLP has an over 30 year history
of launching impactful initiatives.

Strategic Dialogue, Executive Networking, and Collaborative Initiatives
Current Initiatives
Balance Sheet Management
Support better management of the balance sheet to optimize liquidity and earnings, minimize concentration risk, and reduce expenses associated with traditional channels.
Financial Health
Explore, develop, and implement multiple approaches to measuring financial health and to design and employ innovative tools to help members improve their financial health over time.
Community Impact
Collect information to better communicate the impact credit unions are having locally and nationally on their members and the communities they serve. Additionally, we will identify innovative and impactful community-based programs in various parts of the country so we may learn about their programs, methods, and results, and leverage CUFSLP’s network effect to expand and/or adopt their best practices to have impact in communities nationwide.
Fintech Incubator Network
Create a network of CUFSLP Partner-sponsored financial technology (fintech) innovation centers and Partner innovation labs around the country and develop the capacity to facilitate the interaction of Partner executives with fintechs to provide environments in which fintech entrepreneurs can develop technologies and create startup ventures that may benefit credit unions and their member-owners.
Credit Union Partners

CUFSLP Partners Log In Here
Visit the CUFSLP portal for more information on upcoming events, more information on our current initiatives, and to download the latest CUFSLP financials.