William Hunt
Director of Industry Analytics
William Hunt is the Director of Industry Analytics at Callahan & Associates. He leads the development of Callahan’s analytical projects and publications, and helps design Callahan’s flagship data analysis tool, Peer Suite. Will also facilitates board briefings and consulting engagements, providing strategic insight into performance at both the industry and institution-specific level.
William joined Callahan in the fall of 2019 and has worked exclusively with credit union boards and executives over the past five years. Prior to joining Callahan, William worked in personal investing and wealth management in San Diego, California. Alongside this work, he earned FINRA series 7 and 63 licenses. William has also worked in retail banking and in restaurants, both of which left him with valuable experiences that help him relate to credit union challenges at an empathetic level – beyond just the data.
An avid writer, William contributes regularly to Callahan’s publications and their creditunions.com website. Will’s mission is to utilize data to shine light on economic developments, and provide value to clients though the delivery and insightful analysis of these trends.
William grew up in Charlottesville, VA, and went to college a few steps from home at the University of Virginia. He now lives in Charleston, SC, with his wife, Annie, and Golden Retriever, Kona.
Here are a few of William’s topics:
- Peer Financial Analysis
- Data Driven Research & Analysis
- Strategic Thought Leadership and Market Insights
- Customized Reporting and Benchmarking Dashboards