The NCUA has officially released second quarter credit union data. Callahan provides your credit union a multitude of ways to analyze this updated data to benefit your cooperative.
Here are three:
1. Build custom tables in Peer-to-Peer
In Peer-to-Peer, credit unions can create tables, graphs, and custom displays that use the latest 5300 call report data to compare themselves to credit unions and banks using multiple criteria, including geography and asset size. Additionally, credit unions can use 2Q data to conduct risk assessments, forecast future budgets, and identify potential merger partners. Log into your client portal now and access Peer-to-Peer via the quick links to start analyzing and pulling reports for your credit union.
2. Set performance goals in CUAnalyzer
CUAnalyzer provides detailed definitions and analysis of the key ratios relevant to your credit union. Using 2Q21 data, you can set future goals for your cooperative and track your progress quarterly. Drill down further and use CUAnalyzer’s pre-built performance packets by department, too, such as lending and retail operations. Log into your client portal now and access CUAnalyzer via the quick links to start analyzing and pulling reports for your credit union.
3. Gauge industry success by viewing 2Q21 Trendwatch
Callahan recently hosted 2Q21 Trendwatch, where we discussed industry takeaways from second quarter data, as well as took a look at the overall economy. Attendees came away with insight on benchmarks to measure themselves against, as well as continuing emerging industry strengths and opportunities. You can, too A recording of 2Q21 Trendwatch is available here.
Request A Custom Scorecard
Is your credit union eager to get a comprehensive look at your cooperative’s performance as it relates to your peers? Customize a data scorecard with Callahan that gives you 10 ratios of your choosing. Together, we can showcase your credit union’s success relevant to peers within your asset and/or geographical size. Click here to learn more.
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