Despite the obstacles presented this past year, credit unions came together and redefined what it means to be a member-serving organization. As we continue to adjust strategies in 2021, the Callahan team invites you to join us and a select group of your industry peers for a roundtable to network and share ideas.

These Virtual Roundtables cover key areas across the credit union industry like technology, collections, HR, member experience, marketing, risk, lending, and more. They provide the opportunity for free-flowing conversation with other industry executives and foster lasting connections in a time where the relational connection is more important than ever before.

These exclusive events are attendee-driven, meaning, we want to hear from YOU! Submit any questions, ideas, and topics for discussion to or provide your questions in the registration form. The events will be run “Brady Bunch” style so you must be at a location with a video camera. You can use your cell phone for the call if that is your only option.

Are you ready to join the conversation? Explore our upcoming dates below then sign in to your client portal to register for an event.

Callahan Roundtables are available exclusively to Callahan Professional clients over $200M or credit unions with a Roundtable subscription.

If you don’t already have access, click here to learn more.

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